We started planning for this big adventure in 2015. At first I was a “hell no, we won’t go” person and as time progressed and life on the home-front became mundane I thought “why not give it a go”. The husband watched RV YouTube channels daily and I think it soaked into my brain subliminally. It didn’t take long before I was completely onboard with the idea and the husbands planning, designing research went on overdrive. I thought I would track some of our places we have been as a diary of sorts.
2016 – We traded in my beloved gas powered Dodge Ram 2500 for a beast of a truck, our 3500 Dodge Ram Dually Diesel that can tow about anything. Because we bought such a big truck with pull power we were limitless on what we could tow. This makes the RV purchase easier as the options for the size we can tow is endless.
In January of 2017 we purchased our 43ft 3911tk 5th wheel Venom.
With lots to do to make it just right for full time living we jumped into the redo process. In the mean time started consolidating 16 plus years of stuff and getting the house ready to sell. The idea was to live in the RV, work on the things that needed to be done, figure out what to take and what to sell from the house.
We purchased and installed a washer and dryer, brought in cabinets for the studio into the garage area, redesigned bedroom dresser to be a desk, built and installed lithium batteries, inverters and set up solar panels, and installed generators. Not an overnight project. Wasn’t close to complete until September. Once the main components were installed we moved in while prepping the house to sell.
Install with assistance from our little helper.

Washer and dryer install…to include rewiring and cutting a hole in the outer shell of the RV. Try fitting something into a spot with no room to wiggle!

Dresser before remodel into work area
Desk area after remodel…tight fit for working
Garage of toy hauler portion before remodel. Removing the lower seats/bed to make way for cabinets.
Flooring installed
Countertops for office
Cabinets placed and secured
Counters installed, straps placed for secure travel.
Studio complete
Place backsplash, knife holder and spice rack in kitchen area.
Batteries and solar install
Batteries and controllers
Double generator install
Mufflers installed for the generator bay.
There you have it in a nutshell took a way shorter time to make this post then it did to do all the work. This was a huge undertaking and we persevered…and are still married. Lets get this show on the road!